A proud provider of The Level 3 Diploma for The Foot Health Practitioner

A proud provider of The Level 3 Diploma for The Foot Health Practitioner


Kickstart your foot care career with our courses

Molestiae non recusandae itaque earum rerum hic teneaur a sapiente delectus, rae aut reiciendis officia deserunt mollitia animi omnis dolor

Level 4 Diploma for FHPS


First Aid Training


Intro Into Bio-Mechanics



About Us At Finest Feet

  • Experienced & Dedicated Educators
    Our courses are taught by dedicated and experienced educators. Using proven teaching strategies, every student receives the support needed to help them succeed!
  • First-Rate Course Offerings
    We embrace a learning environment that suits the student - which is why we offer 1:1 training for certain courses.
  • Our Mission
    Your success is our priority. To support our inclusive community, we provide a personal approach, tailoring learning methods to each student's needs.

How do we support you through your diploma?

Guiding You Through Your Diploma And Beyond

Centrally Located

Taught from our training facility in Wolverhampton, our tutors are on hand to assist with technique and knowledge while also supporting you outside of the classroom with a helpful course group chat where you can ask questions and get support from other students.

Start your career

Start your career in foot care with our informative and in-depth course. Join us as we teach you everything you will ever need to know to become a fully trained and working Foot Health Practitioner.

Years of Experience

Our Director of Education, Denise Dickerson, is very proud of all the courses we provide and regularly uses her 18 plus years of teaching experience to provide 1-2-1 support to each student we have. This helps her to ensure everyone is learning at the pace that works for them while also making sure that all students are on track to achieve their qualifications.

Steps to start

Not only do we help you embark on your path to a new career, but we also use our experience and guest speakers to teach you how to successfully set up and run a business. Talking you through the steps to start running your own treatments, helping you find all the equipment you may need, and giving you a leg up into the industry,


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Autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat

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